Fourni par Blogger.

By Angelou Shakespeare

There is always some truth to the untruths. Exercise and each body have different reactions. Because each person's body reacts differently to exercise what is true for you may not be true for someone else. In that situation, it is not a lie at all. It is not a lie, you have to deal with questionable truths and or information on a case by case basis. You never know what may be uncovered by doing some research, so ideally you should take the time to research and learn. If the information is less than true, you should do some research.

One perennial urban myth that has assumed legendary proportions is that using an ab machine/device and doing crunches will help rid you of fat in the midsection. We are always amazed to actually hear this. Belly fat can be vaporized with some whiz bang ab dissolver thing. Belly fat equals body fat. If you miss seeing your ab muscles you need to lose enough fat so that your abs will become visible again.

Sweat is another subject in this series. Are you among those who believe that sweat is a sign of a good workout? Most also believe the flip side of that too. In fact sweat is simply your body's air conditioner. There is not a direct correlation between amount of sweat and degree of physical exertion. It's a fact that you can burn calories without breaking a sweat. You'll find a good walk can do the trick.

Another myth that is common is the excuse No Time for exercise. All that you need is ten to twenty minutes a couple days a week. This short exercise schedule is better than nothing especially if you can top it off with a 30 minute aerobic workout on your days off. Can you squeeze in a walk at work or with your children? Try taking a power walk on your lunch hour or jumping a rope in the comfort of your living room while dinners cooking. It's not impossible to find that 10 minutes if you try hard enough.

It is extremely important to sort out the truth from the fiction about health and fitness, especially if you're totally new to working out. This is important because you are still forming your fitness habits. If you cultivate the wrong habits now, you're setting yourself up for a painful process of re-education later. Sticking to a workout routine like using the schwinn recumbent exercise bikes and succeeding with it requires you to form good habits from the start.

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