Owning a horse or pony is a dream come true for many people. They have often been riding since childhood before being able to afford their own animals. When they are finally able to have their own horses most people want to make the most of every possible moment. They love to ride and groom their horses, go out on trail rides and compete in shows.
During the cold winter months horses will need at least one thick, waterproof rug. Once the weather warms up they need thinner sheets, which are typically made of cotton. Horse rugs vary in size, color and style, but there is sure to be something to meet every need. Everyday barn wear must be durable and above all washable. The newer polyester cotton blends are perfect as they stand up to lots of wear and tear.
As with any item pricing varies tremendously for horses clothing items. Some of the bargain brands are still great value for money. They provide a fully serviceable item that does the job without breaking the bank. Often when people have several horses and need a lot of blankets they opt for the more affordable brand.
How much the owner needs to spend really depends on the lifestyle of the animals. Horses that have to live outside all the time, even in the harsh winter weather, will need a top quality winter blanket that is fully waterproof. It may be a good idea to invest in one that has a built in neck cover for extra warmth and protection from the elements.
Some rugs are both wind and water proof. Others are merely water resistant. There is a significant difference between these two terms. It is very important for owners and barn managers to understand that for full weather protection the animal must have a good quality blanket that is guaranteed water proof. The other layer is coated with a special substance that provides full protection.
The lining of a winter rug is typically made of light polyester. The latest models have an added feature of a coating that actually helps to polish the horses coat. The new line of equine clothing has been carefully designed to prevent rubbing, especially around the shoulders. In the old days horses had very little hair left on their shoulders as their blankets had rubbed them all winter long.
Many people now shop for their equine supplies on line. It is very easy to compare the different brands and find the best one for each individual situation. Many people wait for a sale so that they can snap up some great bargains. Free shipping can also add to the savings and most shipments arrive within a few days. If there is an emergency, overnight shipping can also be arranged for an extra charge.
All rugs should be washed regularly in a mild detergent. It is best to line dry them or at least avoid putting them in the dryer. They should be stored in strong zipped bags to prevent damage from rodents or insects.
During the cold winter months horses will need at least one thick, waterproof rug. Once the weather warms up they need thinner sheets, which are typically made of cotton. Horse rugs vary in size, color and style, but there is sure to be something to meet every need. Everyday barn wear must be durable and above all washable. The newer polyester cotton blends are perfect as they stand up to lots of wear and tear.
As with any item pricing varies tremendously for horses clothing items. Some of the bargain brands are still great value for money. They provide a fully serviceable item that does the job without breaking the bank. Often when people have several horses and need a lot of blankets they opt for the more affordable brand.
How much the owner needs to spend really depends on the lifestyle of the animals. Horses that have to live outside all the time, even in the harsh winter weather, will need a top quality winter blanket that is fully waterproof. It may be a good idea to invest in one that has a built in neck cover for extra warmth and protection from the elements.
Some rugs are both wind and water proof. Others are merely water resistant. There is a significant difference between these two terms. It is very important for owners and barn managers to understand that for full weather protection the animal must have a good quality blanket that is guaranteed water proof. The other layer is coated with a special substance that provides full protection.
The lining of a winter rug is typically made of light polyester. The latest models have an added feature of a coating that actually helps to polish the horses coat. The new line of equine clothing has been carefully designed to prevent rubbing, especially around the shoulders. In the old days horses had very little hair left on their shoulders as their blankets had rubbed them all winter long.
Many people now shop for their equine supplies on line. It is very easy to compare the different brands and find the best one for each individual situation. Many people wait for a sale so that they can snap up some great bargains. Free shipping can also add to the savings and most shipments arrive within a few days. If there is an emergency, overnight shipping can also be arranged for an extra charge.
All rugs should be washed regularly in a mild detergent. It is best to line dry them or at least avoid putting them in the dryer. They should be stored in strong zipped bags to prevent damage from rodents or insects.
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